What is the Sonaecom Code of Conduct?

The Sonaecom Code of Conduct (“The Code”) is the document that contains a set of principles and rules of an ethical and deontological nature that govern the activities of the companies that are part of Sonaecom Group (“Group”), the action of the Members of the Governing Bodies, of their People and of their Business Partners.

By a legal or regulatory requirement, as well as by the peculiarities of each business area, can be justified the existence, in the various companies of the Group, of specific codes of conduct and regulations, procedures or guidance documents on matters of ethical nature. In these cases, the principles of this Code of Conduct will be observed in all that does not follow from the applicable official regulations. In case of any conflict arising between the principles and rules described in this Code and the principles set out in specific codes of conduct, the latter will prevail over this Code.

To whom is this Code apply?

The Code has one internal recipient group and another external. Internally, the Code applies to all members of Governing Bodies of any entity that is part of the Group, to all Employees and Service Providers and to all those who are, in any way, qualified to represent Sonaecom in its relationship with Customers, Suppliers and Partners. The Code is also a guide for the actions of all entities that are economically, institutionally or socially related to Sonaecom Group, including shareholders, investors, suppliers, customers and business partners. .

Why was the Code created?

The Code was created with the main purpose of: a) Materialize and share the principles that guide the activities of the Group and the ethical and deontological rules that should be observed by its Employees and Partners; b) Promote and encourage the adoption by all Employees of the principles of business and individual conduct set out in the Code in the relations between them and in their relationship with Sonaecom’s stakeholders; c) Consolidate Sonaecom’s corporate image which should project excellence, good judgement, accountability and discipline.

Sonaecom’s Code of Conduct